Wrestling For Peace

Short film | The tournament brought together four state teams for a colourful celebration of sports and culture.

Wrestling is the most popular sport in South Sudan.


Held in April 2016 in Juba, the National Wrestling Tournament was the first of its kind since the outbreak of civil war in 2013. It brought together four state teams from across South Sudan: they came from Terekeka, Bor, Torit and Yirol, with their coaches and supporters.


The National Wrestling Tournament was a celebration of sports and culture enjoyed by thousands of spectators, and the vibrant expression of a popular hope for peace and reconciliation in the country.


Duration: 11min
Year: 2017
Director, Camera Operator and Editor: Florence Miettaux
Translation: Silvano Yokwe Alison
Produced in partnership with South Sudan Wrestling Entertainment with the support of USAID’s VISTAS program.

    Juba Stadium