Until the Morning Comes

Short film | The life of university students at the Protection of Civilians (PoC) site of the United Nations in the periphery of Juba.

They’re called Gatthak, Bakhita, Wiyual. They are South Sudanese and study at the University of Juba. Their lives changed dramatically when fighting erupted in the capital on 15 December 2013. All of them from Nuer ethnicity, they fled their homes and left most of their belongings behind to seek refuge at two United Nations bases in the capital: Tong Piny/Juba Na Bari and Jebel. Four years later, they are still living this life of “exile in our own country”, as one of the film’s characters puts it.


This short film sheds light on these students’ daily life, their thirst for education, their moments of sadness and discouragement as well as their resilience and hope for the return of peace in South Sudan.


In the capital, around 35,000 people are living at the UN’s Protection of Civilians (PoC) site.


This short film has been published in Italian on Internazionale.

An article by Florence Miettaux about the students living and studying at the UN PoC site was published on Le Monde Afrique.


Duration: 11min
Year: 2017
Director, Camera Operator and Editor: Florence Miettaux
Anthropologist: Deng Nhial Chioh Dhoar
With the participation of:
Bakhita Steven Guet
Wiyual Wuor Maluel
Gatthak Bol Yang
Produced with the support of USAID’s VISTAS program

    un house-poc site

    University of Juba